Survey Results
Published on: Saturday, October 10th, 2015
In September, we sent out a Customer Satisfaction Survey with 41 questions about our maintenance team, our management team and questions about the community and neighborhood. We received 116 responses and the results were discussed at a recent Staff & Vendor Appreciation Dinner. Many of the questions had answer options of 1 to 5, with 1 being “Very Satisfied,”3 being “Dissatisfied” and 5 being “Very Dissatisfied.” Here are a few things we learned:
– When asked “How well were maintenance repairs done,” 46% said “Very Satisfied.” 16 people gave us a below average grade. We have room to improve, but overall, the majority seem happy with our service.
– When asked “How well were you treated by the person you contacted for repairs,” 57% said “Very Satisfied.” Only 12 people, or 11%, gave us a below average grade.
– When asked, “How well were you treated by the person DOING the repairs,” 64% said “Very Satisfied.” Only 3 people, or 3%, gave us a below average grade.
– We also wanted to know our residents’ perception for how long it took a work order request to be addressed and completed. We asked, “For non-emergency maintenance or repairs, the work was usually completed in:”
47% answered “Less than 1 week”
19% answered “1-4 weeks”
3% answered “More than 4 weeks”
2% answered “Problem never corrected”
30% said “Have never called”
– When asked, “Do you think management is responsive to your questions and concerns,” 83% gave us an above average grade.
– When asked, “Do you think management is courteous and professional with you,” 90% gave us an above average grade.
We know that when you, our valued resident, feels good about your home, you’re likely to tell your family and friends. We wanted to know “Would you recommend your housing property to a friend or family member seeking housing?” We are so happy about the response! 85% say YES! Thank you to all our residents. We appreciate the time it took our participants to fill out the survey so that we can be better homemakers for YOU!
Each participant was entered into a drawing to win a prize. Congrats to our 3 winners!
1. The winner of the $200 Rent Concession went to Jeremy McGowan
2. The winner of the $100 Apartment Upgrade went to Holly Perkins
3. The winner of the $50 Lou’s Ful-Serve Gift Card went to Amanda Fite
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